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Mastering Feature Engineering: Principles and Techniques for Data Scientists

Alice Zheng

[PDF.if27] Mastering Feature Engineering: Principles and Techniques for Data Scientists

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Mastering Feature Engineering: Principles  Alice Zheng book review
Mastering Feature Engineering: Principles  Alice Zheng summary

 | #85691 in Books |  2017-06-25 | Original language:English |  9.17 x.59 x7.01l, | File type: PDF | 200 pages

||About the Author|
|Alice is a technical leader in the field of Machine Learning. Her experience spans algorithm and platform development and applications. Currently, she is a Senior Manager in 's Ad Platform. Previous roles include Director of Data Science a

Feature engineering is essential to applied machine learning, but using domain knowledge to strengthen your predictive models can be difficult and expensive. To help fill the information gap on feature engineering, this complete hands-on guide teaches beginning-to-intermediate data scientists how to work with this widely practiced but little discussed topic.

Author Alice Zheng explains common practices and mathematical principles to help engineer features f...

You can specify the type of files you want, for your device.Mastering Feature Engineering: Principles and Techniques for Data Scientists   |  Alice Zheng. Which are the reasons I like to read books. Great story by a great author.

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