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Data Warehousing: The Route to Mass Communication

Sean Kelly

[PDF.hl24] Data Warehousing: The Route to Mass Communication

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 | #6192553 in Books |  1996-06 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  9.11 x.54 x5.94l,.81 | File type: PDF | 202 pages

||From the Publisher|Though companies have amassed an enormous amount of data, they haven't always been able to use it because it is unstructured, unintegrated, or polluted. This book shows how to transform this vast pool of data into information of strategic sign

Though companies have amassed an enormous amount of data, they haven't always been able to use it because it is unstructured, unintegrated, or polluted. This book shows how to transform this vast pool of data into information of strategic significance. Taking up where database marketing leaves off, it offers practical ideas for businesses to realize staggering response rates from mailings, focused marketing campaigns, and more.

You easily download any file type for your gadget.Data Warehousing: The Route to Mass Communication   |  Sean Kelly. A good, fresh read, highly recommended.

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