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Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality in Industry

From Springer

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 | #6314112 in Books |  2011-11-29 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  9.30 x.90 x6.20l,1.05 | File type: PDF | 200 pages

|| ||Aus den Rezensionen:| “… Das Buch beschreibt den Stand der Technik und weist auf künftige Entwicklungsfelder hin … Ein inspirierendes Buch.” (in: Bulletin SKV/VSE, 1/June/2012, Issue 6, S.58)

"Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality in Industry" collects the proceedings of the 2nd Sino-German Workshop on the same topic held in Shanghai on April 16-17, 2009. The papers focus on the latest Virtual Reality (VR) / Augmented Reality (AR) technology and its application in industrial processes and presents readers with innovative methods, typical case studies and the latest information on VR/AR basic research results and industrial applications, such as 3D rendering,...

You can specify the type of files you want, for your gadget.Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality in Industry   |  From Springer. I really enjoyed this book and have already told so many people about it!

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