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Stiquito Controlled!: Making a Truly Autonomous Robot

James M. Conrad

[PDF.vz77] Stiquito Controlled!: Making a Truly Autonomous Robot

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Stiquito Controlled!: Making a  James M. Conrad audiobook
Stiquito Controlled!: Making a  James M. Conrad book review
Stiquito Controlled!: Making a  James M. Conrad summary

 | #1216545 in Books |  2005-02-24 | Ingredients: Example Ingredients | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  10.00 x1.43 x7.00l,1.11 | File type: PDF | 208 pages

||8 of 10 people found the following review helpful.| Great Idea, Great Project|By John Matlock|Computers & Technology, Education, Robotics, Technology & Industrial Arts, Education / Computers & Technology, Electronics & Communications Engineering

What a great idea! Here is a full fledged micro-computer controlled robot device. No, it's hardly a robot so sophisticated that it will take over the world, but it is enough| |"…will challenge students and their teachers to move out of their computer comfort zone…an engaging and easily manageable kit…this is a worthwhile investment." (NSTA Recommends, October 6, 2005) |"The Stiquito kit and book can be i

Build your own Stiquito "walking-stick" robot insect with the included kit!

Stiquito Controlled! is a widely accessible, user-friendly book that provides step-by-step instructions for building Stiquito, a small, multi-legged robot that resembles a "walking-stick" insect. The book includes comprehensive instructions and all the parts needed to complete assembly. Most notably, the kit contains a microcontroller board that allows Stiquito to walk on its own. Key ...

You easily download any file type for your gadget.Stiquito Controlled!: Making a Truly Autonomous Robot   |  James M. Conrad. I really enjoyed this book and have already told so many people about it!

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