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Queeny "John Smith" Cameron & the JWO Exposed!: Virtual Gas-Lighting, Online Gang-Stalking, Death Threats, Rape Threats, Racism, Anti-Semitism & LGBTA Hate Speech

V. K. Clark

[PDF.bw09] Queeny "John Smith" Cameron & the JWO Exposed!: Virtual Gas-Lighting, Online Gang-Stalking, Death Threats, Rape Threats, Racism, Anti-Semitism & LGBTA Hate Speech

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 | #6437741 in Books |  2016-10-11 | Original language:English |  9.00 x.57 x6.00l, | File type: PDF | 250 pages

||About the Author|Weronika Kuzniar-Clark graduated from Norwich University in June 2009 with honors. She has a master's degree in Military History. She completed one year of doctoral studies in Organizational Psychology in 2010 at the University of the Rockies. S

There is a really, really, really, really (no joke) nefarious clique of cyberbullies on YouTube right now. These bullies use YouTube as their personal platform for hurling racist, anti-LGBTA, sexist, pornographic, violent, and anti-Semitic hate speech and epithets at everyone and anyone whom they decide to obsess on at any given time. Who are they? What are they? And why are they (allowed to do this on YouTube)?! And most importantly of all...will YOU be their next targe...

You easily download any file type for your device.Queeny "John Smith" Cameron & the JWO Exposed!: Virtual Gas-Lighting, Online Gang-Stalking, Death Threats, Rape Threats, Racism, Anti-Semitism & LGBTA Hate Speech   |  V. K. Clark. I really enjoyed this book and have already told so many people about it!

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