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Massively Parallel Evolutionary Computation on GPGPUs (Natural Computing Series)

From Springer

[PDF.du03] Massively Parallel Evolutionary Computation on GPGPUs (Natural Computing Series)

Massively Parallel Evolutionary Computation From Springer epub
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 |  2016-08-23 |  2016-08-23 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  9.25 x1.10 x6.10l,1.56 | File type: PDF | 453 pages

||From the Back Cover||Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) are metaheuristics that learn from natural collective behavior and are applied to solve optimization problems in domains such as scheduling, engineering, bioinformatics, and finance. Such applications demand acc

Recent advances in general-purpose computing on graphics processing units (GPGPU) have opened up the possibility for parallel evolutionary algorithms. This book details this exciting new approach, with emphasis on solving practical problems.

You can specify the type of files you want, for your device.Massively Parallel Evolutionary Computation on GPGPUs (Natural Computing Series)   |  From Springer. I really enjoyed this book and have already told so many people about it!

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