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MAKE: Technology on Your Time Vol. 1

Mark Frauenfelder Ed.

[PDF.xe45] MAKE: Technology on Your Time Vol. 1

MAKE: Technology on Your  Mark Frauenfelder Ed. epub
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MAKE: Technology on Your  Mark Frauenfelder Ed. audiobook
MAKE: Technology on Your  Mark Frauenfelder Ed. book review
MAKE: Technology on Your  Mark Frauenfelder Ed. summary

 | #2939635 in Books |  Maker Media, Inc |  2005-02-08 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  9.00 x.42 x6.00l,.80 | File type: PDF | 224 pages


||1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.| Too much fun stuff for one book|By Jeff Whitmire|I stumbled across Make: in a retail store and bought a copy. Nearly fifteen bucks for a "magazine" is pretty spendy for me, but minimal advertising and lots of interesting articles and reviews hooked me. I've since subscribed, but when I found out had back issues at discounted prices, I had to pick up the issues I had missed.|About the Author|
|Mark Frauenfelder is a writer and illustrator living in Los Angeles, and the editor of MAKE. He is the cofounder of the popular Boing Boing weblog and was an editor at Wired from 1993-1998.

If you like to tweak, disassemble, re-create, and invent cool new uses for technology, you'll love MAKE our new quarterly publication for the inquisitive do-it-yourselfer.

Every issue is packed with projects to help you make the most of all the technology in your life. Everything from home entertainment systems, to laptops, to a host of PDAs is fair game. If there's a way to hack it, tweak it, bend it, or remix it, you will find out about it in <...

You can specify the type of files you want, for your device.MAKE: Technology on Your Time Vol. 1   |  Mark Frauenfelder Ed.. I have read it a couple of times and even shared with my family members. Really good. Couldnt put it down.

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