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Learning Machine Translation (Neural Information Processing series)

From The MIT Press

[PDF.gj98] Learning Machine Translation (Neural Information Processing series)

Learning Machine Translation (Neural From The MIT Press epub
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Learning Machine Translation (Neural From The MIT Press audiobook
Learning Machine Translation (Neural From The MIT Press book review
Learning Machine Translation (Neural From The MIT Press summary

 | #3375822 in Books |  2008-11-14 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  10.00 x.56 x8.00l,1.86 | File type: PDF | 328 pages

||About the Author||George Foster is a researcher in the Interactive Language Technologies Group at the Canadian National Research Council's Institute for Information Technology.

|Marc Dymetman is a researcher in the Cross-Language Technologies Research

The Internet gives us access to a wealth of information in languages we don't understand. The investigation of automated or semi-automated approaches to translation has become a thriving research field with enormous commercial potential. This volume investigates how Machine Learning techniques can improve Statistical Machine Translation, currently at the forefront of research in the field. The book looks first at enabling technologies--technologies that solve problems...

You easily download any file type for your gadget.Learning Machine Translation (Neural Information Processing series)   |  From The MIT Press. A good, fresh read, highly recommended.

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