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Leaders and Health Care Organizational Change: Art, Politics and Process

Stewart Gabel

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Leaders and Health Care  Stewart Gabel summary

 | #3395902 in Books |  2001-05-31 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  9.02 x.69 x5.98l,1.14 | File type: PDF | 206 pages

||0 of 1 people found the following review helpful.| Gabel's textbook is personal and comprehensive|By Rita A. Jay|The management text by Gabel is descriptive and easy to read, making leadership strategy in organizational change manageable and very realistic for manager and refreshing for executive. Its inclusion of excellent and "real life" case studies further support its content as fundamental practice for leaders in healthcar| |`Stewart Gabel, M.D., has a lot to teach us about organizational change. ...I would recommend it to leaders who are engaged in significant change processes. The points Gabel makes are solid, the cases are realistic, and the guidance offered

Health and mental health organizations are undergoing major changes in policies, procedures, structures, and emphasis. Many of these changes appear related to what may be termed the managed care revolution. This upheaval in delivery systems related to health and mental health care has been associated with great changes and rapid turnover in leaders and in leadership positions. It appears that many leaders are not able to lead their organizations into this or other ...

You can specify the type of files you want, for your gadget.Leaders and Health Care Organizational Change: Art, Politics and Process   |  Stewart Gabel.Not only was the story interesting, engaging and relatable, it also teaches lessons.

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