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Information Dashboard Design: Displaying Data for At-a-Glance Monitoring

Stephen Few

[PDF.fu69] Information Dashboard Design: Displaying Data for At-a-Glance Monitoring

Information Dashboard Design: Displaying  Stephen Few epub
Information Dashboard Design: Displaying  Stephen Few pdf download
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Information Dashboard Design: Displaying  Stephen Few audiobook
Information Dashboard Design: Displaying  Stephen Few book review
Information Dashboard Design: Displaying  Stephen Few summary

 | #27779 in Books |  imusti |  2013-08-15 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  11.50 x9.00 x1.00l,2.74 | File type: PDF | 260 pages

 | Analytics Press

||8 of 8 people found the following review helpful.| If you haven't read Few's other books, get it. Don't take the cover art too seriously, though.|By Rob Kerr|Another good visualization book by Stephen Few, probably the most read thought-leader in dashboard visualization.

I've read other books by Mr. Few, and his ideas are must-know ideas. You should buy this book NOW and read it cover-to-cover if you've not read his| |

A leader in the field of data visualization, Stephen Few exposes the common problems in dashboard design and describes its best practices in great detail and with a multitude of examples in this updated second edition. According to the author, dashboards have become a popular means to present critical information at a glance, yet few do so effectively. He purports that when designed well, dashboards engage the power of visua...

You can specify the type of files you want, for your gadget.Information Dashboard Design: Displaying Data for At-a-Glance Monitoring   |  Stephen Few. Which are the reasons I like to read books. Great story by a great author.

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