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Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics: Visions, Concepts, Methods and Tools Festschrift in Honor of Professor Holger Luczak

From Springer

[PDF.wv47] Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics: Visions, Concepts, Methods and Tools Festschrift in Honor of Professor Holger Luczak

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Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics: From Springer summary

 |  2014-10-31 |  2014-10-31 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  9.25 x1.73 x6.10l,2.32 | File type: PDF | 710 pages

||From the Back Cover||Human work is one of the main forces driving the development of our society, economy and quality of life. Statistics from the International Labour Organization indicate that there are currently 1.1 billion "economically active individuals" o

The 60th birthday of Prof. Luczak is the reason for this book. He will be honoured for his research work during the "GfA-confernece" in March 2009. This book is the correspondig "Festschrift" for him.

You easily download any file type for your device.Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics: Visions, Concepts, Methods and Tools Festschrift in Honor of Professor Holger Luczak   |  From Springer.Not only was the story interesting, engaging and relatable, it also teaches lessons.

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