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Immersive Learning Research Network: Second International Conference, iLRN 2016 Santa Barbara, CA, USA, June 27 – July 1, 2016 Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science)

From Springer

[PDF.fi50] Immersive Learning Research Network: Second International Conference, iLRN 2016 Santa Barbara, CA, USA, June 27 – July 1, 2016 Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science)

Immersive Learning Research Network: From Springer epub
Immersive Learning Research Network: From Springer pdf download
Immersive Learning Research Network: From Springer pdf file
Immersive Learning Research Network: From Springer audiobook
Immersive Learning Research Network: From Springer book review
Immersive Learning Research Network: From Springer summary

 | #4207896 in Books |  2016-06-25 |  2016-06-25 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  9.25 x.46 x6.10l,.0 | File type: PDF | 181 pages


This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Conference of the  Immersive Learning Network, iLRN 2016, held in Santa Barbara, CA, USA, in June/July 2016.

The proceedings contain 9 full papers carefully reviewed and selected from 45 submissions and the best 5 special track papers. The papers focus on various applications of immersive technologies to learning.

You easily download any file type for your device.Immersive Learning Research Network: Second International Conference, iLRN 2016 Santa Barbara, CA, USA, June 27 – July 1, 2016 Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science)   |  From Springer. A good, fresh read, highly recommended.

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