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Clinical Bioinformatics (Methods in Molecular Biology)

From Humana Press

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 | #4336957 in Books |  2014-05-28 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  10.10 x.90 x7.00l,2.15 | File type: PDF | 326 pages

||From the Back Cover||In Clinical Bioinformatics, Second Edition, leading experts in the field provide a series of articles focusing on software applications used to translate information into outcomes of clinical relevance. Recent developments in <

In Clinical Bioinformatics, Second Edition, leading experts in the field provide a series of articles focusing on software applications used to translate information into outcomes of clinical relevance. Recent developments in omics, such as increasingly sophisticated analytic platforms allowing changes in diagnostic strategies from the traditional focus on single or small number of analytes to what might be possible when large numbers or all analy...

You can specify the type of files you want, for your gadget.Clinical Bioinformatics (Methods in Molecular Biology)   |  From Humana Press. A good, fresh read, highly recommended.

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