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Bioinformatics: Sequence Alignment and Markov Models

Kal Sharma

[PDF.us91] Bioinformatics: Sequence Alignment and Markov Models

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 | #4013451 in Books |  2008-09-04 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  9.30 x1.07 x6.20l,1.30 | File type: PDF | 320 pages

||2 of 5 people found the following review helpful.| Could not read this book|By Dimitri K|The book is actually unreadable, at least for me. Maybe author is very knowledgeable, that's why I put 2 stars, not 1. Maybe lots of words and formulae really provide valuable information. But the book is not intended to teach. It is a pile of poorly explained facts, terms and words, which are incomprehensible. At least for the beginner lik|About the Author|Kal Renganathan Sharma, Ph.D., P.E., has written five books, 11 journal articles, and hundreds of conference papers. He has held a number of high-level positions at engineering colleges and universities. Dr. Sharma currently teaches at Prairie V


Bioinformatics showcases the latest developments in the field along with all the foundational information you'll need. It provides in-depth coverage of a wide range of autoimmune disorders and detailed analyses of suffix trees, plus late-breaking advances regarding biochips and genomes.

Featuring helpful gene-finding algorithms, Bioinformatics offers key infor...

You can specify the type of files you want, for your device.Bioinformatics: Sequence Alignment and Markov Models   |  Kal Sharma. Just read it with an open mind because none of us really know.

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