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Bioinformatics and Drug Discovery (Methods in Molecular Biology)

From Humana Press

[PDF.ui14] Bioinformatics and Drug Discovery (Methods in Molecular Biology)

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 | #5720134 in Books |  2012-07-21 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  10.00 x1.20 x7.20l,1.85 | File type: PDF | 374 pages

||From the Back Cover||Recent advances in drug discovery have been rapid.  The second edition of  Bioinformatics and Drug Discovery has been completely updated to include topics that range from new technologies in target identification, genomic an

Recent advances in drug discovery have been rapid.  The second edition of  Bioinformatics and Drug Discovery has been completely updated to include topics that range from new technologies in target identification, genomic analysis, cheminformatics, protein analysis, and network or pathway analysis. Each chapter provides an extended introduction that describes the theory and application of the technology. In the second part of each chapter, ...

You can specify the type of files you want, for your gadget.Bioinformatics and Drug Discovery (Methods in Molecular Biology)   |  From Humana Press.Not only was the story interesting, engaging and relatable, it also teaches lessons.

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