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Advances in Design and Specification Languages for Embedded Systems: Selected Contributions from FDL’06

From Springer

[PDF.jf34] Advances in Design and Specification Languages for Embedded Systems: Selected Contributions from FDL’06

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 |  2009-12-28 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  9.50 x.83 x6.25l,1.14 | File type: PDF | 358 pages

||From the Back Cover||Embedded systems are meanwhile in the focus of industry in quite different application domains such as automotive, avionics, telecom, and consumer products. The need for a shift in design methodologies towards system level design is widely r

This book is the latest contribution to the Chip Design Languages series and it consists of selected papers presented at the Forum on Specifications and Design Languages (FDL'06), in September 2006. The book represents the state-of-the-art in research and practice, and it identifies new research directions. It highlights the role of specification and modelling languages, and presents practical experiences with specification and modelling languages.

You easily download any file type for your gadget.Advances in Design and Specification Languages for Embedded Systems: Selected Contributions from FDL’06   |  From Springer.Not only was the story interesting, engaging and relatable, it also teaches lessons.

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