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Advances in Case-Based Reasoning: 4th European Workshop, EWCBR'98, Dublin, Ireland, September 23-25, 1998, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)

From Springer

[PDF.qs23] Advances in Case-Based Reasoning: 4th European Workshop, EWCBR'98, Dublin, Ireland, September 23-25, 1998, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)

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Advances in Case-Based Reasoning: From Springer book review
Advances in Case-Based Reasoning: From Springer summary

 | #12012087 in Books |  2008-06-13 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  9.25 x1.13 x6.10l,1.53 | File type: PDF | 488 pages


This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 4th European Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning, EWCBR-98, held in Dublin, Ireland, in September 1998.
The 41 revised full papers presented were carefully selected and reviewed for inclusion in the proceedings. The contributions address the representation and organization of cases in case-bases, the assessment of case similarity, the efficient retrieval of cases from large case-bases, the adaptation of similar case s...

You can specify the type of files you want, for your gadget.Advances in Case-Based Reasoning: 4th European Workshop, EWCBR'98, Dublin, Ireland, September 23-25, 1998, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)   |  From Springer. A good, fresh read, highly recommended.

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